What would I have done differently, knowing what I know now…
Ashley Madison Post-Mortem
Some articles about me and/or my research, in English:
- Meet The Man Who Solved The Mysterious Cicada 3301
- The internet mystery that has the world baffled
- Security Guru Gives Hackers a Taste of Their Own Medicine
- Leaked emails don’t prove infidelity: Ashley Madison
- (YouTube) DEF CON 15 – Eriksson and Panel – Kernel Wars
- Kernel Wars @ Defcon
- Kernel Wars @ BlackHat
Some articles about me and/or my research, in Swedish:
- Terrorism eller CIA-kampanj? Här är historien om Cicada 3301
- Klarar du alla rebusar och gåtor? Här är utmaningen som bara två av 22 000 har klarat
- Mysteriet som gäckar världens hackare
- Smarta telefoner lätta att hacka
- Din smarta mobil – snart hackad?
- Sveriges bästa säkerhetsexperter – hela listan
- Microsoft i bråk med svenskt säkerhetsföretag
- Så hittar experterna säkerhetshål
For more information about Cicada 3301 and my solutions for the 2012 challenge, go to:
If these kinds of puzzles and challenges interest you, you might also be interested in looking at the old GCHQ challenge:
GCHQ: solve the online code, become a real-life spy
My solutions for that challenge are available here:
Note that the GCHQ challenge is a bit more technical in nature than the Cicada 3301 puzzles, so it might not be for everyone. ;)
For those of you that are into that sort of stuff, you might take a look at my CTF challenge writeups:
/ Joel Eriksson <je at clevcode dot org>